Van: maarten lak <>
Verzonden: vrijdag 22 januari 2021 13:44
Onderwerp: Time for a New UK–US Relationship | RUSI
Dit lezend vraag ik me af of er lessen in zitten voor EU Defensie in opbouw; als VK al zover is dat het aan niches moet denken…t.a.v.VS capaciteit.
With the arrival of each new US president, the incumbent UK prime minster hopes to revitalise the UK–US 'special relationship' in defence and security. It has largely been missing in action since the heady days of the Reagan–Thatcher relationship., There is a painful truth well understood in the Washington but rarely mentioned in London: the much vaunted 'special relationship' offers little military value to the US. While still a mainstay of narratives from London about the UK–US alliance, the reality is that the value that the UK has historically brought to the partnership has steadily declined since the late 1990s but has been vanishing especially fast since 2001.
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